DA Contextual Statement
In this 3 minute TikTok Video I elaborate on our already developed Pre-Paid parking system designed for the UOW Campus. I focus particularly on how the Gig economy will benefit from our app and system. Exploring the way the system works in conjunction with relatable tools viewers can correlate our app with, for example Airbnb.Georgina Görög’s article relating to The Definitions of Sharing Economy: A Systematic Literature Review was the key source of information within this Digital Artefact video. Within this article, Görög draws particular focus to how the Gig economy work in conjunction with the Sharing economy.
This article allowed me to recognise in my research that our product is in fact part of what is known as the “Acess Economy”. ‘Access economy’ or ‘access-based consumption’ is one type of the economy that offers customers access to products or services when they want it (Gobble 2017), established in our research report, we understand that our product is readily available for consumers and users to require when needed. Similarly like the Gig economy as it refers to an independent company from the uni, allowing for more jobs and opportunities. Essentially our product provides Uni students with more affordable and in demand parking options, it removes the stress of taking an hour out of your day to find a park and takes this time prior to arrival. Our product contributes heavily to the sharing and access economy the same way Airbnb and Uber do. As stated ‘This form of purchasing may help to protect our environment with less use of products and natural resources (Leismann et al. 2013).’ Our app will not only further the direction of the Gig and Access Economy but it will also aim to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission contributed from UOW, impluring more sustainable and public transport friendly options.
The physical making part of this assignment was quiet easy as I allowed for efficient time in the making process, sending a first deaft to my tutor a week and a haof before the due date. After I received my feedback I went back and realised I had not done enough research to support my arguments and needing to dice further into detail to better explain the direction I was going. My first draft focused alot on the overall findings in Görög’s article without the focus on specific elements. This then changed after receiving feedback, I knuckled down on research adn was further able to identify a more suitable element of the sharing economy that made more sense to our brand… Access Economy. After I established this element I dove into researching how it particularly worked with our brand and real everyday comparisons like Airbnb and Uber.
Gobble, MM 2017, ‘Defining the Sharing Economy’, Research technology management, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 59–63.
Görög, G 2018, ‘The Definitions of Sharing Economy: A Systematic Literature Review’, Management (Spletna izd.), pp. 175–189.
Leismann, K, Schmitt, M, Rohn, H & Baedeker, C 2013, ‘Collaborative Consumption: Towards a Resource-Saving Consumption Culture’, Resources (Basel), vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 184–203.
Pre-Paid parking group report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IwhDyCRDy3BDip8osFghz0xO46a87WquvfFOr9GfPCk/edit